Structural function of pt foundation acts as a buffer between the soil below and the superstructure above to prevent unacceptable deformations in superstructure. Actual losses, whether greater or smaller than computed values, have little effect on the design strength of the member but do affect service load conditions i. The posttensioning method is the best way to create stronger, more reliable concrete slabs. In this free webinar dirk bondy and bryan allred discusses the latest edition of their book, posttensioned concrete principles and practice 3rd edition as well as present the latest version. Foundation is designed to resist or span over moistureinduced deformations in the soil below, while still maintaining its top surface within permissible level tolerances. Reinforced concrete and posttensioned foundation design software adaptmat product overview adaptmat is a versatile threedimensional 3d finite element fem analysis and design software for any configuration of conventionally reinforced or post tensioned foundation system. Post tensioned foundation information for the homeowner. Thats why builders posttension with increasing frequency in lieu of conventional rebar slabs.
Pretensioning is generally accomplished at a manufacturing. Application of 2d strip and 3d finite element method based software in design of posttensioned buildings. Focus will be on posttensioning design and analysis, and construction considerations. Usually a sign in the garage or stamp in the slab will indicate if your home has a post tension slab. Posttension introduces an external compressive force into the concrete before the foundation experiences soil induced movements. The advantage of posttensioning is the internal compressive force it imparts on the concrete. Adapt corporation specializes in structural concrete design software for posttensioning, reinforced concrete, and prestressed beam, slab, foundation, building and bridge structures using finite element or equivalent frame analysis. This has proven to be a savings factor, time is money. Advanced reinforced concrete and posttensioned foundation mat design software adaptmat. Post tension slab design software structural engineering. Posttensioned pt slabs are typically flat slabs, band beam and slabs or ribbed slabs. The foundation gains tensile strength when the cables are tightened after the slab has been cast. Your goto concrete slab and foundation design workhorse. Structural engineering software, spreadsheets, for analysis and design, including wood, lateral analysis, concrete, steel, aluminum, glass, masonry, bridge, foundation.
This stronger, thinner slab also saves money on concrete. Download free, highquality cad drawings, blocks and details of posttensioned concrete organized by masterformat. To create a slab using this method, plastic sleevecovered steel cables are laid in a grid running in both directions. Posttensioned foundation a typical posttensioned foundation with the forms set and ready for concrete. Reinforced concrete and posttensioned foundation mat. This spreadsheet program provides for the design and analysis of posttensioned concrete oneway beam and slab systems and twoway flat plate slab systems. Calculation and the theory by which the software works are attached with this software s index, this thing is not seen. Posttensioning may be included in both slabs and beams to balance a percentage of the selfweight. How do i take etabs results to rcdc to design foundations. Posttensioned foundations are designed using the posttensioning institute pti method first published in 1980 and recently updated with its 3rd edition. Unless specifically stated otherwise, all foundation parameters.
Fundamentals of posttensioned concrete design for buildings part one. Increase your efficiency with bidirectional links to the industry leading bim products. With the support of our inhouse stateoftheart design software, we are able to implement the latest techniques for applying and installing the pte system. Homeowners are getting crushed by flawed posttension. A post tension slab is a concrete slab or foundation that contains high tension cables running through the concrete to increase strength and reduce cracking typically in areas with poor soil conditions. Homeowners are getting crushed by flawed posttension cable foundations the switch from steel rebar to posttension cable by houston area home builders has delivered unmistakable results posttension cable foundations are failing earlier and. In the case of a post tension slab, steel cables are laid out in grid fashion inside the forms. Concrete slab design software economically design posttensioned and reinforced concrete floors including slabs, mats, and rafts, with exceptional visibility into compliance, efficiency, and practicality. Rogers says they conducted over 2000 exams in 2007 and are ahead of that. Standard requirements for design of shallow posttensioned.
Suncoast has a more depth and breadth of engineering talent than other posttension companies, with multiple professional engineers on staff, supported by a team of posttension technicians who work under licensed professional engineers using. Design floors and foundations reliably and efficiently, saving time and money, and overcoming the most common concerns you face as a designer. How to create a concrete slab foundation using the post. Calculation and the theory by which the software works are attached with this softwares index, this thing is not seen. Posttensioned slabsonground provide a costefficient, highperformance solution for problems associated with groundsupported residential foundations on shrinkswell soils. Whether the project is local or overseas, design codes from around the globe are available for reinforced concrete and post tensioned slab design. Posttensioning utilizes concretes inherent compressive strength to construct slabonground foundations. Example 10 demonstrates a design procedure for a drilled shaft foundation for a cantilever sign structure. Slabongrade and posttensioned slab software adaptsog. In this article, ill be giving homeowners some necessary information about the characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and common questionsconcerns that i receive regarding post tensioned foundations. Pt designer is a computer program for the design and analysis of linear posttensioned concrete. Design seminar descriptions posttensioning institute. Adaptsog software for the design of posttensioned slabs on grade foundations on expansive and compressible soils. Labor costs are also reduced because less material is used in slab construction and construction times are optimized.
Introduction while the use of prestressing in superstructures is well established, foundations have only rarely been prestressed. Safe is the ultimate tool for designing concrete floor and foundation systems. The cantilever supports a sign panel attached to the horizontal support. Rapt is a two dimensional post tension beamslab design software. Presentations will focus on design, analysis, and construction of posttensioned buildings and will include handson training on the design and analysis of new posttensioned building structures. Reinforced concrete and posttensioned foundation design software adaptmat product overview adaptmat is a versatile threedimensional 3d finite element fem analysis and design software for any configuration of conventionally reinforced or posttensioned foundation system.
Its more user friendly compared to other pt design softwares. Posttensioned, reinforced concrete slab design software ram. Fundamentals of posttensioned concrete design for buildings. This method is a better way to construct a slab foundation to be more resistant to cracking and deflection. Post tensioned foundation a typical post tensioned foundation with the forms set and ready for concrete. The compressive stresses resist the anticipated tension stresses induced by the soil movements, enhancing the performance over a nonprestressed foundation. Fpasc160 design procedure for drilled concrete piers in expansive soil 17 nov 2017 issued for fpa website publishing foundation performance association structural committee page 1 of 61. Reinforced concrete and posttensioned foundation mat design. The example presented here is for twoway posttensioned design. Safe is the ultimate tool for designing concrete floor.
Twoway posttensioned design amsysco post tensioning. The following table of prestress losses is recommended for the design of posttensioned members, and does not include friction or wedge set losses. Suspended slabs can include flat, twoway, waffle, and. Understanding of trends in building information modeling related to posttensioning. Aside from the reinforcement, the construction of the foundation is the same as a conventional system.
The program enables the user to define and design posttensioned concrete beams and slabs for any strap model the user has full flexibility in. Unless otherwise noted, all referenced table, figure, and equation numbers are from these books. Posttensioning institute education pt applications. Under the hood, it is the same capable product our customers love.
Posttension concrete slabs design course shift learning. Post tension slab design software sethguthrie civilenvironmental 18 aug 16 19. Design of posttensioned floors for wind and earthquake forces. Post tensioned slabsonground provide a costefficient, highperformance solution for problems associated with groundsupported residential foundations on shrinkswell soils. Developed by jim rogers at evaluation and certification services publishers of post tension magazine, this program offers two programs, to certify installers of single strand unbonded posttensioning installers and bonded posttensioning installers. Example 10 sign structure foundation design example statement. Standard requirements for design and analysis of shallow posttensioned concrete foundations on expansive soils. Critical case study of design of a prominent posttensioned multistory building. Our foundation plans are proprietary and require specialized training as recommended by the post tension institute. Posttension basics how posttensioned slabs are built. Adapt corporation specializes in structural concrete design software for post tensioning, reinforced concrete, and prestressed beam, slab, foundation, building and bridge structures using finite element or equivalent frame analysis. Ptislab can be used to design or analyze both posttensioned and. Cypecads posttensioned concrete slabs for buildings module has been designed to carry out the design of the passive reinforcement of posttensioned slabs, using the forces that have been obtained from analysing the posttensioned tendons bonded or unbonded, whose properties have been introduced by the program users.
What is the best software to design a post tension slab. Meet the all new risa3d version 18 brings many new essential features to an all new interface, delivering increased easeofuse, improved workflows and maximized efficiency. The following example illustrates the design methods presented in aci 31805 and ibc 2003. This should help the reader to rationally select an efficient overall structural concept for a. Concrete slab design software economically design post tensioned and reinforced concrete floors including slabs, mats, and rafts, with exceptional visibility into compliance, efficiency, and practicality. Posttensioned concrete design spreadsheet program a pdh. The example is only for the design of the shaft foundation. Longer spans can be achieved due to prestress, which can also be used to counteract deflections. Structural design software engineering international. Safe provides unmatched benefits to the engineer with its truly unique combination of power. Design floors and foundations reliably and efficiently, saving time and money. The software contains the same example calculations made by calculator and.
Pt designer design of posttensioned concrete floors. Concrete is exceptionally strong in compression, but weak in tension. The tricky part comes when concrete is poured into the forms. Over the years, we have joined many variations of design teams, to create dialogue and coordination to meet the demands of the projects. The power and flexibility of detailed floor, foundation and building design in one solution. Specifically, chapter 2 summarises the major design objectives, including suggestions how thesb objectives can be met. Our topnotch engineering team expertly analyses project details and identifies opportunities to optimize the. Threedimensional 3d finite element software for the integrated analysis and design of concrete and posttensioned floor and foundation. From framing layout all the way through to detail drawing production, safe integrates every aspect of the engineering design process in one easy and intuitive environment.
Pt slabs offer the thinnest slab type, as concrete is worked to its strengths, mostly being kept in compression. To get the excel sheet join as loving fansub member to this channel. Framing dead load selfweight superrimposed dead load 25 psf partitions, me, misc. Apart from certain technical considerations, this may be due to some conservatism inherent in foundation engineering. In this article, ill be giving homeowners some necessary information about the characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and common questionsconcerns that i. The program is divided into three separate screens, which correspond to the three major areas of concern in the design of a posttensioned.
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